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Science Fiction & Fantasy
Earthlings: The Beginning
by Ray Star
Peridot has lived a sheltered life. Raised by an overprotective mother on a remote island, the ways of the world remain a mystery, until the arrival of a young boy Euan, and she finally learns the truth. Peridot and her family are magick-born. Not magic from stories and fables but real magick from the days of old. The ability to control earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Leaving the safety of her home, Peridot discovers a world unlike any she could have fathomed possible. Humanity is enslaved, a cruel dictator rules the land, and an uprising is on the horizon. Peridot's magick may be the helping hand needed to save humanity from their doomed fate if she can only learn how to control her gifts in time. Within Peridot's grasp is the chance to save the world, and earth knows, the world needs saving.
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