Book Detail
Neither Man Nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals
by Carol J. Adams

In 1990, The Sexual Politics of Meat was published. In just a few years, the book became an underground classic. Neither Man Nor Beast takes Adams' thought one step further. It represents her collected reflections on animal rights, vegetarianism, and ecofeminism from the often-difficult-to-locate sources in which many originally appeared, and includes two important and completely new chapters. More than a book of theory, Neither Man Nor Beast is an enlightened call to action. Topics covered animal experimentation and patriarchal culture; abortion rights and animal rights; responding to racism in a human-centered world; ecofeminism and the eating of animals; the need to integrate feminism, animal defense, and environmentalism; the interconnected abuse of women, children, and animals; institutional violence; feminist ethics, and vegetarianism; a beastly the place of animals in God's universe>

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