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The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?
by Hope Bohanec

Drawing on peer-reviewed research, worker and rescuer testimony, and encounters with the farm animals themselves, The Ultimate Betrayal discusses the recent shift in raising and labeling animals processed for food and the misinformation surrounding this new method of farming. This book explores how language manipulates consumers concepts about sustainability, humane treatment, and what is truly healthy. It answers important questions surrounding the latest small-scale farming fad: Is this trend the answer to the plentiful problems of raising animals for food? What do the labels actually mean? Are these products humane, environmentally friendly, or healthy? Can there really be happy meat, milk, or eggs? With case studies and compelling science, The Ultimate Betrayal increases awareness of the issues surrounding our treatment of animals, global health, and making better food choices. The Ultimate Betrayal is a well-rounded and thoroughly-researched book that touches the heart with an honest and unflinching look at the reality behind humane labels. With real-life examples from multiple viewpoints and thought-provoking philosophical underpinnings, The Ultimate Betrayal is a must-read for anyone interested in ethical food choices. Dawn Moncrief, founder, A Well-Fed World

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Animals and Why They Matter

Mary Midgley