The official survey results for Veganuary 2021 have been released, showing that 85% of participants plan to at least halve their intake of animal products after January. More than 582,000 people from 209 countries took part, with motivations ranging from concern for animals, personal health, and the environment. The majority of participants were aged between 25 and 54, with 85% identifying as female and 13% as male.
Of those who took part in Veganuary, almost two-thirds maintained a fully vegan diet for the whole month. After the pledge, 40% now plan to stay vegan, with 75% intending to at least halve their intake of animal products going forward. The number one reason for staying vegan was that it was easier than expected, with many citing health benefits like increased energy and improved mood. The results indicate that Veganuary is successfully inspiring people to adopt a more planet-friendly diet.
*This summary was generated using AI.
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