Op Ed: Alex Crisp, Host of Future of Foods Interviews – Why I Believe in Cell-Cultivated Milk and Dairy
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Op Ed: Alex Crisp, Host of Future of Foods Interviews – Why I Believe in Cell-Cultivated Milk and Dairy
Vegconomist • Jan 15, 2025
In his opinion piece, Alex Crisp reflects on his childhood experiences on a dairy farm and makes a compelling case for adopting cell-cultivated dairy. He argues that this biotechnology could liberate animals from the food chain, address ethical concerns, and create a more sustainable future without requiring humans to sacrifice the foods they love. Crisp believes that this technology offers a way for humans to care for animals they love without hypocrisy and without having to change their behaviors.

Crisp challenges the perception that lab-grown meat is unnatural, pointing out that the current way of obtaining animal products involves violence towards animals. He suggests that technology can be used as a tool for compassion, allowing for a more humane way of producing food. Crisp poses a choice between continuing with industrial farming or moving towards a future where animals are removed from the food chain through precision fermentation and cell cultivation, promoting efficiency and compassion in the human race.
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