Cows farmed for beef experience physical and emotional suffering on beef farms. These animals are social and form close relationships within their herds, particularly between mothers and calves. However, on beef farms, calves are separated from their mothers at a young age, often causing distress and emotional turmoil. Painful procedures such as disbudding, castration, and branding are performed on calves without anaesthetic, adding further suffering to their already difficult lives.
In addition to the emotional cruelty, cows on beef farms may also face physical harm from extreme weather conditions and the rise of zero-grazing practices. Despite being grass-fed, their lives are cut short when they reach the required weight for slaughter. At the slaughterhouse, cows are often mistreated, with stunning frequently failing and causing unnecessary pain and fear during the process. This article sheds light on the harsh realities faced by cows farmed for beef and highlights the need for more humane treatment of these animals.
*This summary was generated using AI.
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